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Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2018

Song Review : Other Group's Chosen Song

Name of the song : The Story Never Ends, by Lauv Opinion : I think the singer draw his feeling through this song. He is sad because of his girlfriend characters that always blame the singer for the mistakes she made. But, in this song, the singer always and always trying to be patient and still love his girlfriend although he felt very disappointed, actually. Suggestion : Why don't you (the singer) tell your girl what is your feeling?  Offer : Can I help you to tell your girlfriend? 

Invitation Card : Wedding Party!

Our Assignment is to make a wedding invitation. Me and my group made a simple wedding  invitation. Bride and Bridegroom : Puspa and Fadhlan Bride's parents : Mr. and Mrs. Firdaus and Mr. and Mrs. Prima Date : 27 Oktober 2019 Time : 10 a.m. Place : Maldives Palace, 26th mars st. Special Instruction (Dress code) : Formal dress (Navy blue and white) RSPV : Fya Taufik (081320386236) And this is a quote about wedding which we write on the invitation card : " A great relationship doesn't happen because of the love you had in the beginning, but how well you continue building love until the end "

Debate Resume Through Our Group's Thaughts

1st group topic : The Goverment Buy Freeport Pro Freeport has to owned by Indonesia fully Contra The goverment can not handle the freeport yet My Opinion In My opinion freeport may allowed to owned by Indonesia fully but if government can handle it and also us as Indonesian. However, our technology also not enough yet to handle freeport fully. 3rd group topic : Game Addiction is Addictive According to WHO Pro It can cause addiction, unhealthy competition that trying to make us play and play more, striving to make more profits, eventually driving the players to school dropouts, etc. Contra Games can actually train our brain to do multitasking My Opinion In my opinion, we may playing game but with a good management to ownself. 4th group topic : Pro -Comparing to back in 1998, today's gros product is increasing -Inflation decreased -Infrastructures are getting advanced -Different regulation of election -US Dollarnarenincreasing not only in Indonesia, but all...

Analysis of Dialogue about Offers and Suggestions

So, 2 weeks earlier (25th of July, 2018) we performed and recorded our own dialogues where we work in pairs of 2 (there's groups of 3) and have to analyze what are the offers and suggestions that were included in the dialogue(s). Here is the result: (There are still some groups that haven't submitted their work yet; even though I, as the class representative has already reminded them several times but they still didn't submit.) No Name Offer(s) Suggestion(s) 1 Zhafira & Nur 2 3 2 Ratna & Tasya 2 2 3 Alexa & Imala 2 4 4 Avieda & Kinanti 2 4 5 Shofi & Alya 1 2 6 Sultan & Daffa 1 2 7 Amanda, Ananda & Fathan 1 3 8 Abyan & Fadhlan 1 2 9 Radit & Zhillan 1 1 10 Aurelia & Vivaldi 1 1 11 Hasya & Aliya 1 1 No Name Offer Suggestion 1 Zhafira & Nur May I help you? How about Bali? 2 Ratna & Tasya Shall I be the one to call her? Why don't we ask Meghan to come with us too? 3 Alexa & Imala Hey, can I h...