How Important Sport is for Humans? Sport is an activity which train human's body, both physical and spiritual. Physical sports for example are football, volleyball, basketball, run, jump, swim, yoga, archery, or even self defense technique, and many more. Spiritual sport is like chess. Physical sports also have impact to our spiritual. Based on research that written on a journal "Personality and individual differences", when someone feel tired or have a bad mood or got stressed with the work, highly recommended to do some exercise (sport), although just 30 minutes. While doing exercise, our body will release a hormon called endorfin that is able to reduce stress and pain from our body. Especially if those sports or exercises are what we like. According to medical science, sport is very beneficial for our health. Sport make our heart's muscle stonger, dicrease blood pessure, facilitate body metabolism, lead in more oxygen to the brain, and other. Many...